View Faust 1 Gif. Иоганн вольфганг гёте язык оригинала: A tragedy is the first part of the tragic play faust by johann wolfgang von goethe, and is considered by many as the greatest work of german literature.
Фауст (трагедия гёте) — фауст faust «фауст».
A tragedy is the first part of the tragic play faust by johann wolfgang von goethe, and is considered by many as the greatest work of german literature. The first part of faust is not divided into acts, but is structured as a sequence of scenes in a variety of settings. A tragedy is the first part of the tragic play faust by johann wolfgang von goethe, and is considered by many as the greatest work of german literature. Иоганн вольфганг гёте язык оригинала: